
Archive for January, 2011

ending discrimination

As some of you will have already seen or heard, we’re back in the heat of the ongoing struggle to end discrimination toward LGBTT folks in the church.  My ministry partner, Emily, is gay.  She recently got married, and since then, all hell has been breaking loose around the parish we minister in.  Right now we are both “on leave” (my suggestion, since the atmosphere right now would have been horrible for Emily to work in) … in a week and a half, the full parish will meet to determine whether or not they want us there.

To me, the bigger issue, beyond our personal stake in the matter, is why the church continues to be filled with such irrational hatred toward people of various sexual and gender orientations.  We’ve been working hard for years trying to bring positive change, but the backlash is still potent.  At the end of the day, are we a church of Love, or of fear and discrimination?

Friends, please send prayers and good energy for Emily, and for all who suffer persecution and hatred in the church.  Pray as well for those who are trapped in homophobia, and can’t seem to break out.  And pray for the church, that one day SOON, we will learn to be Love Incarnate in the world.


Shawn +

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